Abuse Survivors

Not Coincidence

When I wrote Natara, I put into words the images and thoughts that came to my mind. The story just came to me.

Before writing the story, I knew about child trafficking, a bit about SRA (satanic ritual abuse) and some other evils in the world, but other parts of the story, I did not know about as I wrote. While writing the story, God told me several times, that what happened to Natara (and others) was so much worse than what I was being given.

Since the book was published in January 2022, I have been mind-blown about events that happened in the story, are happening in our world today. There are satanic/cult family lines, organized mind control abuses, church leaders (from many different churches) involved in SRA and mind control, markings on skin, grooming, and more. I learned that what came to me was not coincidence.

Since January, I have read stories and watched videos of people who experienced similar abuses to Natara, but so much worse. SRA, MK Ultra and Monarch programming are real. Church leaders (from many different churches) involved in ritual abuses and sacrifices are real. Satanic/cult family lines that go back for generations are real. Girls (and boys) groomed (using mind control) to be sex slaves is real. Plus more. Unfortunately, our world is not all it seems to be as evil and secret combinations seem to control most of what is going on around us.

Fortunately, Jesus Christ is the redeemer, healer, and the peace giver. After reading some horrific accounts of mind-control abuses, I could not go to sleep at night and asked Jesus to come and be with me and to help comfort me and bring me peace. He did and I was able to let go of what I read and go to sleep.

Sometimes it seems that Jesus and our God have forsaken us. They haven’t. They are still in control. Go to them often, daily. They want to be involved in our lives.

Make Jesus the foundation of your faith and your life. In him, you can find hope, healing, and redemption, and help bring light to a seemingly ever darkening world.

Isaiah 12:2 Behold, God is my salvation; I will trust, and not be afraid: for the Lord JEHOVAH is my strength and my song; he also is become my salvation.

If you want to learn more, you can check out the following sites. Please be prayerful as to what you need to read or watch. Ask God to be with you and protect you as you read and watch. Much of the information is incredibly disturbing, but I believe we need to educate ourselves so we can help victims of these horrific abuses.

SRA and Mind Control survivors:

TRANCE Formation Of America – Cathy O’Brien & Mark Phillips (

Mormon Monarch

Letters To The People Asia Raine

Laura J Worley and Laura’s YouTube page Laura Worley – YouTube

Kristy Allen ~ MK-Ultra, RSA Survivor – Judicial Commission of Inquiry (

Jessie Czebotar, another abuse/mind control survivor is featured in several videos on YouTube, BitChute, and Rumble.

To purchase Natara, click here:

Natara – Kindle or paperback edition.

Here is a video I did a couple months ago:


Cover Picture

Isn’t this picture amazing! Cheryl White is a beautiful artist. She beautiful captures the myriad of emotions that Natara deals with.


The Journey

January 6, 2022

Writing this story has been quite the journey. I started in about January 2020 and finished the first draft about six months later. I couldn’t believe what came to my mind. I’m not a big movie watcher and the movies that I do watch are pretty tame. Also, the books that I read and listen to are clean. So where did all the nefarious actions come from? Inspiration? I’m not sure.

The more I wrote, the more I realized that the story was about child trafficking and that many of the things that I wrote about actually happened, and were happening today.

Girls (think Brittney Spears) are groomed to become like a “goddess”, like Natara, maybe in a different way. I don’t know all that goes on, but know that secret combinations (deep state, cabal) are everywhere, using their evil to their advantage.

One way to stop this evil is to turn to Jesus Christ and let Him heal you. Let Him bring you comfort and peace. He is real and He will help you.